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Kaycee At The Beach

Growing Through Setbacks

When you hear the same message over and over again it means you need to sit up and listen. This morning as I was live steaming church (yes live streaming, don’t judge) the pastor started the sermon with the story of Joseph.When you hear the same message over and over again it means you need to sit up and listen. This morning as I was live steaming church (yes live streaming, don’t judge) the pastor started the sermon with the story of Joseph. To give a quick background since there are multiple Josephs, this is the one with the colorful coat whose brothers sold him into slavery, who then wrongfully went to jail, and then later ruled over Egypt. My initial gut reaction was “this story again!?”

I’m not entirely sure how I have heard this particular story three times in two weeks, especially since I missed all forms of church last weekend, but I was definitely supposed to listen. As the thought of being bored crossed my mind, I remembered the advice I have given to others in situations like these. This piece of my life is on repeat because there is something I missed the first few times around.

Only select groups of people know of the struggles I have been facing over the past eight months. Only a few of those people know everything I am dealing with, and even fewer of those have seen how it has actually affected me during this time.

The only thing that has kept me going over these past months was the knowledge that God was pushing me to something better. Many times when I thought I couldn’t take one more negative, one more pain he would give me a little time to recover, throw in some joy and then give me a stronger shove. I have asked for months for Him to show me where He was leading me, knowing that every instance was keeping me primed so I made the right choice when it came.

I never really loved the story of Joseph. It was too familiar, and despite the fact that it became a musical it was never one of my favorites. I’ve listened to many homilies and sermons that include him, and even though I usually enjoyed the message, I felt maybe his situation was over-used throughout the years. Clearly I was under listening.

This morning the sermon was discussing setbacks. I feel like I have had almost three years of gaining then losing, feeling like I’m on the right path to being thrown a massive curve ball I never saw coming my way.

I was hit pretty hard multiple times over the past few weeks. I am struggling more than I have really admitted to anyone. For the third time in my life the only thing keeping me going is God’s grace and the knowledge that this too will pass. I hold on to everything I am grateful for, my friends, my family, my easy access to the beach, and I use my running to get me through.

I know God is with me during every trial and every pain, and I know something better is coming. This morning despite my initial reaction, the story of Joseph was exactly what I needed to hear. Joseph had setbacks in his setbacks, but in one day went from prisoner to ruler of a nation.

I know this round of trials is coming to an end. I know that although life has been painful I have been made a better human for it. This week a new opportunity fell into my lap. Had it not been for my months of pain I would have likely ignored it, but the graceful way it fell, in the midst of the worst, I know it is my next step. I don’t believe it is my final destination, and I am sure there will always be more trials to come, but I do know that God loves to display his strength when you need it the most.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Stronger by Mandisa

Changes In Attitude

This weekend Betsy and I celebrated our birthdays with the Braves. Every time I visit Atlanta I’m reminded how different my life could have been and how much I love what it is. Five years ago I was moving from Atlanta. I loved living there and wasn’t ready to leave. The problem was there were no jobs for dietitians in Atlanta. After three weeks of trying to give up the idea of permanently moving south, a job in southern Georgia literally fell into my lap. After six months of living on the water I knew I never wanted to leave the coast.

Life is so interesting to me. We can try to plan, but even the best laid plans can change every time. I can’t imagine living in Atlanta again. I like visiting, but I love going home. I always miss the water, and am ready for good walk on the beach when I return.

At brunch on Saturday I was amazed at how many women were “dressed up” for breakfast. I laughed at the thought, as I used to be one of them. My hair had to be done, my clothes had to be perfect, and wore heels as much as possible. Now I wash my hair only when it needs it, love to wear flip-flops, and prefer to spend most of my time at the beach. I focus more on relationships and less on my shoes, and am able to truly see what is important in life. I’m not saying that everyone has to give up heels and move to the beach to have these realizations, but I did, and I am so grateful for it.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Changes In Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes by Jimmy Buffett

Birthday Resolutions

The master of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year. – John Foster Dalles Tomorrow is my birthday. Every year for as long as I can remember I make my “new year resolutions” on my birthday. I evaluate where I am and think about what I want to accomplish over the next year. I think of my finances, trips I want to take, and how I want to better myself. Most people tend to do this on New Years Day, but this made more sense to me since it was my “new year.”

Over the past five years one goal has remained the same, to find a job/career that I am passionate about. Today the quote above showed up on Facebook and I felt it was perfect timing with my resolution making.

I am one of those people who tends to get into the water an inch at a time, literally and figuratively. Part of me longs to be reckless and jump in whole-heartedly, but my practical side usually wins out. I always remember the important pieces before considering the jump, our finances, my flexible schedule, etc. It’s important to evaluate the pros and cons, but sometimes my practical side forgets this isn’t the only job that offers those things. I forget that when you do get to do something you love, you don’t crave the weekends and vacations.

When am I going to be brave enough to jump in? I always think the timing needs to be right, but in the meanwhile I get another year older in the process. We have no idea how long we get to be on this earth, why do we waste so much time?

I’m not going to waste this year. I’m going to make the leap and not look back.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Standing Outside The Fire by Garth Brooks

Monograms And Dollar Bills

My friend Misty introduced me to a new “game” that’s perfect for anyone wanting to save for Mai Tais or vacations! I was raised in a household that promoted only spending cash, living below your means, and rarely using credit cards. Twenty-eight years later I value those lessons, but have a hard time being disciplined. Starting when I moved to Atlanta and didn’t have access to my bank from home I became incredibly reliant on using my debit card, and then later credit cards. Now I rarely carry cash, which in all honesty is probably a terrible habit when you are trying to save.

While visiting friends in Clearwater, Florida this weekend, my lovely friend Misty asked if I had any dollar bills with L’s on them. I was incredibly confused and had to admit that I likely didn’t have a single dollar bill in the entirety of my purse. I also hadn’t noticed the large letter on the dollar bill in years, which she had to point out to me and our other friends at the table (it’s to the left of the face and in a circle in case you were wondering). Misty then went on to explain that she has been saving dollar bills with her last initial on them for her vacation fund and has managed to save over two hundred dollars in less than a month. By saving the L’s she started using cash more often, which has made her pay more attention to her spending and given her a nice start to her vacation fund.

Maybe it was the excitement of saving your “monogram” on the dollar bill or the thought of vacation, but by the end of the night all of us couldn’t wait to save!

I hope this helps you save for your next seaside soiree!

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Meanwhile Back At Mama’s by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill


My closet and the rest of my apartment regularly stress me out; I own too much stuff to have peace. Why is our stuff so important to us, and why is it so hard to get rid of? At the end of the day it is just stuff. There is a reason the bible tells us the story of the wealthy man who chose not to sell all of his stuff and follow Christ. It’s not because wealth and things are bad, it’s because having that significant of an attachment to our stuff doesn’t allow us to focus on what is important in life. Things are just things. True joy and satisfaction does not come from things money can buy, it comes from a peace within and love we share.

There will always be an argument for money buying vacations and boats that can bring happiness, but I think that’s only half true. It’s not the item or the location that brings the most happiness, it’s the people you are with that make the experience truly amazing.

With that being said it's time to start a Goodwill bag and list more things on eBay.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Let It Go by George Strait, great inspiration for getting rid of a few things

I Could Never ...

Today I registered for the 2016 Walt Disney World Marathon and realized I need to stop saying “I could never.” One year ago if you had told me I would run a half marathon then later sign up for a full marathon I would have thought you were crazy. In fact six months ago I specifically said I would never want to run a full marathon, and although my brother is happily running with me, the race was one hundred percent my idea.

Looking back on how my mindset has changed in such a short time reminds me of all the other pieces of my life I could have never imagined. Ten years ago I never could have seen my life today, I was living in Kentucky and heading off to college. Five years ago I was finishing my residency program and couldn’t imagine leaving Atlanta, and two years ago I never could have seen myself writing a blog or wanting to sell every pair of heels I own.

We can’t predict our life or the person we will become. Setting up “I could nevers” makes us assume we can control our life, but why would we want to? If I could have controlled my life five years ago I wouldn’t be the person I am today, and I love this version of myself the best. I am more humble, more accepting, and ready for the next thing God sends my way. That in itself makes me never want to say “I could never” again.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Wild Child by Kenny Chesney


Putting Stress in Perspective

“If you don’t have peace, it isn’t because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you.” – John C. Maxwell The beach is one of the few places I’m able to put life in perspective and truly experience peace. The thought that we and our problems are so small in comparison to the ocean relaxes me every time. I realize the stress I have been carrying is not worth the time I am giving it, and for a short while I am able to feel free.

We are regularly told not to worry. From the bible, doctors, from family, and friends, so why is it such a difficult task to remove stress?

Stress and worry come from the fear of the unknown or from a dreaded task. No one stresses over things they enjoy, because those things bring pleasure. The fear of pain, difficulty, or even loss is enough to derail us, sometimes for significant periods of time. So how do we stop our fears? How do we calm ourselves when it seems that the feeling of peace will never come?

Sadly I am an expert on stress and anxiety. I was born a “high stress baby” per my mother and have had little reprieve since. My mind can take even the simplest of things and turn them into horror stories. I understand the feeling of anxiety more than anyone ever should. Because of this I also understand how to work toward feeling “normal” or at least a little more relaxed.

The best medicine is always the ocean or a really good vacation, but just like most of the world, I cannot make it to the beach every day. So the days I can’t I ask myself a few questions. I start with “What am I actually afraid of?” You can break down almost any stress to the root of a perceived worse case scenario. Typically when you are able to identify that fear you are able to realize how unlikely that scenario is, or are at least able to clearly identify your feelings around it. At this point I decide how much control I have in the outcome.

Once I determine how much control I have I ask myself “Does it really matter?” In the grand scheme of things how much does this really matter? Is my reaction justified? Jimmy has taught me over and over again what is really important in our lives. He is usually able to differentiate what is worth the stress and what isn’t, especially when looking at it from the outside. Sometimes what you really need is an outside perspective to make you realize what is valuable in life and what isn’t.

What were you able to let go of today?

Until next time,


The Will to Succeed

My Vineyard Vines catalog arrived today and as usual rather than just coveting the clothes I wanted the water. The gorgeous pictures of St. Barths had me drooling. This beautiful island just moved up a few spots on my places to visit list! Although the cute clothes and beautiful catalogs are fantastic, the main reason I love Vineyard Vines has nothing to do with either of those things, my favorite piece is the story of the founders. In case you are unfamiliar Shep and Ian quit their corporate jobs and started selling ties so they wouldn’t have to wear them anymore. That story has stayed with me for years. My goal has always been to have a career I loved that allowed me to do the things I wanted to do. I’m not there yet, but stories like that remind me I am fully capable of getting there.

Every once in a while I doubt myself. I feel like maybe I’m not going to make it, but then I remind myself of Thomas Edison, Richard Branson, and Walt Disney. None of them “should have made it.” Each of them had significant obstacles standing in their way, and people that didn’t believe in them. What if they had decided to not believe in themselves? We would have never flown on Virgin Airlines, gone to Walt Disney World, or even turned on a light. Each of these men experienced failures, set backs, and I’m sure at times self doubt, but they pushed through and are now considered some of the greatest entrepreneurs in the world.

We have to make the decision that our fears and doubts will not rule our lives. The will to succeed must always be greater or we will never know what we can become.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine

Making Mistakes

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” -Albert Einstein This quote arrived in my inbox yesterday from one of my favorite motivational speakers Darren Hardy. Along with the quote Darren had this advice: "In honor of Einstein's birthday tomorrow, go out and make mistakes. It's ok if you fail. It just means you are doing what others won't do: try new things."

I know I recently wrote about my struggle with perfection, and as of late I've had to deal with some incredibly difficult situations that I am not handling as well as I would like. This quote made me feel completely free. I felt if I stopped worrying about screwing up I might be able to do something amazing.

We don't get anywhere in life by being perfect. If we are perfect we aren't growing and growth is the only way to make to our next step.

One of my favorite bible verses is Jeremiah 29:11, "for I know the plans I have for you." It's hard to follow these plans if we never take a chance. If we never risk making a mistake we may miss out on some of the amazing things in store for our life.

Today I am not going to fear making a mistake, saying the wrong thing, or doing something that's not "perfect." I'm going to live my life, be the best person I can be, and hopefully make some good mistakes along the way.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Take Me As I Am by Faith Hill

Conquering Perfectionism

I struggle with being a perfectionist. Although I hate that part of myself, ridding it has been an impossible task. I am incredibly hard on myself when I see my faults, and when others point them out it nearly kills me. God has put a lot of effort into trying to break this. Every mistake I am confronted with feels like a bomb exploding. Sometimes the repercussions last only an hour, which is a significant improvement, others I’m still trying to move on from.

I do see where every mistake has made me a better person. I am a more compassionate person. I forgive easier and pass less judgment on others and myself. I am a better friend, sister, daughter, and fiancé. I see the world as a lot of people mixed together that need a lot of help and not a lot of criticism.

Now that I see purpose in my failures my faith grows with each one. I still feel pain, I still fall down, but I get up and listen a lot faster. The hurt doesn’t last as long, and thanks to the beautiful Florida weather it takes a lot less time to put life back into perspective.

I’ve been given so my gifts and every mistake I’ve made is included in those.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Don’t Worry ‘Bout a Thing by SHeDAISY

Lessons in Humiliation

“Accept whatever happens to you; in periods of humiliation be patient. For in fire gold is tested, and the chosen, in the crucible of humiliation.” Ecclesiaticus 2:4-5 Over the past week I have felt betrayed and humiliated. My integrity and my work were questioned, and although I came out on top, it didn’t make the experience any easier.

We go through hard times to push us to be the person we need to be. This was an unexpected trial and I’m not sure as to where it will lead. I know sometimes I have to be shoved into my next chapter in life, and I’m not sure if these occurrences are to help me move on, or to simply help me grow.

In times of pain I reflect on what I am supposed to learn in the situation. Life is a series of learning experiences, and in the hopes of only having to learn a lesson once I try to pay attention.

One lesson I have learned in situations like these is to be kind in the face of adversity. This is not an easy lesson for someone who likes to fight her battles. I don’t appreciate unearned anger directed toward me, and I don’t stand for false accusations made about my work or my character. In times when I feel myself wanting to scream and win my battle I have to remind myself that the words I say cannot be taken back, and if I sink to that level my character sinks with it. This is not to say I haven’t failed in the past and wished I could take back the awful words I have said, but I started out in life a kind person and I would like to finish life the same.

Another lesson I have learned is to be grateful for the norm. We tend to miss the good in our day-to-day lives because we forget that it can be considered good. We love the days that the sun shines and everything is wonderful, but everyday has its positives. On the normal workdays I remind myself of some of the great people I get to work with, and the lack of problems standing in my way. I may have tasks that I don’t want to do, but I am capable of doing them. I may have some minor aggravations, but nothing that should shatter my day. After all my family and I are happy and healthy and that’s what matters most.

Although I don’t enjoy any of the trials I go through, I learn to see the silver lining. I am able to find joy and love in the mundane and be grateful for the life I get to lead.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Crushin’ It by Brad Paisley

Fixing Complaints

Yesterday was the start of Lent. Since most calendars have decided not to advertise Ash Wednesday, including the ones on my iPhone, I had no idea until something was mentioned on the radio on the way to work. I have given up something every year since I was 10, and knowing the Lenten season was coming had already decided that I would give up complaining until Easter. Sadly I failed the first morning due to lack of knowledge and prepared mindset. I really hate complaining, but for some reason I do it anyway. One of the most embarrassing moments I have ever experienced was when I was living in Atlanta. A mutual friend of my roommate and mine was asking about my current rotation in my residency program. After discussing it for a few minutes she asked if my next rotation would be easier and I said no and gave a small explanation. After I made it to my room and shut the door I overheard my roommate talk about how stupid I was (she wasn’t not the nicest of people) and that the rotation was not difficult. It was a horrible moment, but what was worse was the fact that I didn’t view the rotations as difficult or even that stressful, I had used complaining as a form of conversation. I then realized it was something I had been unconsciously doing for years!

Although it was an awful way to discover one of my faults, I am so appreciative it was brought to my attention so I could fix it. That was five years ago and I’m still working on my complaining. I no longer use complaints for sources of conversation, but I do tend to “vent” when it is not always necessary and I definitely do more than my share when spilling aggravations. I decided this Lent would be a good time to kick the habit for good. After all God gave me an amazing life and I should relish that, not focus on the small negatives in my way. I can’t wait to improve.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Mean To Me by Brett Eldredge

Beautiful Motivation

The best thing about Coastal Living magazine is it keeps me motivated. This weekend I was craving shopping. I crave shopping like some people crave chocolate, and picking up necessities at Target wasn’t going to cut it. Luckily for me, and my bank account, Coastal Living arrived just in time. All it took was a glance at the beautiful cover and I knew nothing I could buy would make me feel as good as being able to one day see that view in person.

I love to travel and I love calling Jacksonville, Florida my home. I am unbelievably happy in Florida and I want to keep it that way. My shopping habits cause stress and could possibly ruin the life I want to have. I love my blue jean shorts and Lilly Pulitzer dresses, but adding more of them to my closet will just be more. I will be taking away from the trips Jimmy and I could take together and the home I hope to one day share. One more dress or pair of shorts isn’t going to make my life better, but meaningful moments in beautiful places will.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Better Together by Jack Johnson

Lessons in Control

I think God is trying to teach me a lesson about control. I am sick in bed needing to go to the doctor for the first time in 5 years and unable to go because I’m uninsured. Many people who know me might find this slightly hilarious. Not only do I regularly sanitize all surfaces, including my phone, and drink things like noni to prevent illness, I also am incredibly particular when it comes to anything serious like insurance. Despite the fact that when I decided to change insurances I questioned my sales rep about electronic signatures, future emails, and repeatedly clarified that there was nothing else I needed to do, I am without insurance. The entire situation is ironic, which means there is a lesson. I have no control in the insurance company righting it’s wrong, and I certainly have no say in when I recover. Two things I very much do not enjoy. A born perfectionist, letting go of control has never been easy. I recently saw a commercial where a comedian referred to himself as a “control enthusiast,” I thought this term was hilarious and sadly could identify all to well with it.

I have been doing better with control, but apparently still need some work. On the improvement side I don’t feel the need for the kitchen counters to be cleaned to perfection. I understand my clothes may get ruined despite all my best efforts. I can let others be in charge of items or projects that I value. I’ve learned to delegate, and I’ve learned you can’t control the process of delegated tasks (i.e. how the bathroom is cleaned). I’ve learned to give up control over some of the little things that don’t really matter, but I haven’t given up enough control yet.

Although I know I can only control my attitude and the decisions I make I am still working to put this into practice. Clearly this is an opportunity to do just that.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today was Shoulders by for KING & COUNTRY


None of My Business

I've received lots of great advice over the years. One of the most freeing pieces came from my good friend Betsy. She told me what other people thought was none of my business. For someone like me who lived a significant chunk of her life "people pleasing" this was quite revolutionary.

We all want control in some aspects, and the more delusional of us think we can control other people's thoughts and reactions to us. You can get quite good at predicting reactions if you know a person well enough, but is that how you want to spend your life, living it for others?

I knew the tendency in myself to want approval. When I decided to move to Florida part of that decision was based on the fact that I needed to be able to become my own person without constantly feeling like I was disappointing someone.

Disappointment from friends and family was always difficult for me. It didn't matter if what I said or did wasn't something to be disappointed in, I could feel when I wasn't quite meeting expectations. I try to forget the regrets over silly things I said and did over my lifetime, but I wasn't able to really start attempting to free myself until I heard that wonderful advice.

We can't control what the world says or thinks; we can only control our actions and reactions. We will screw up, but as long as there is a tomorrow we have a shot to be better.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Don't Worry 'Bout a Thing by SHeDAISY

Comparison is the Death of Happiness

Comparison is the death of happiness. I think this is a significant thought. One of those that is easy to say, but hard to do. I think most people realize when they compare something they have to a better version of someone else’s that nothing positive can come out of it, but I think it’s particularly hard when you don’t know the entire story.

It’s easy to see the big house on the water, the giant diamond earnings, or the lavish trip to Europe, but do we see the rest. The relationship we wouldn’t want, the bills that are stressful to pay, and the time away from family and friends.

When I find myself coveting what others have I ask myself “Would I rather be her instead of me,” because if I had that item right now I would have to be that person right now.

I regularly beat myself up over not accomplishing enough, not crossing enough off my to do list, and not having what I expected at this point in life, but what would have to give to have those things? Less time with Jimmy, no palm tree out my window, a life I wasn’t happy living?

I try to remind myself of what I do have when I find myself wishing for more. I have a great apartment, a loving fiancé, a fluffy orange kitty, and a short drive to the beach. I am happy with the person I am becoming and wouldn’t want to change any of the experiences that made me who I am today. I am not perfect, but I’m good enough for me.

Until next time,


P.S. My song of the day is The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson

Working Toward Peace

Every time I wear my ring to the gym I fall in love with it even more. I think it’s the gorgeous simplicity that gets me. Maybe it’s how it looks with my workout clothes or maybe it’s the run, but I love that it happens every time. I also love that in falling in love I gain a sense of peace, and a sense of who I really am. I was such a princessy girly girl for so long that it amazes me how different I am now. This is accented even more when thinking about the wedding. Initially I was stressed considering what I wanted. There are so many options, and things I used to love don’t bring me the same joy anymore. This isn’t just about deciding on linens and dresses, it’s realizing who I have become.

Up until three years ago I took any excuse to dress up. I loved my high heels and used any excuse to wear them. Over the past two years I’ve realized I like a casual summer dress paired with leather flip flops over anything else I own. This seems minor, but the change was so much more than my wardrobe. I’ve gone through a crazy transformation mentally, and some days I’m still figuring out who I am and what means the most to me. I love life so much more, and value simplicity over glamour.

Today in the solitude of the gym I was able to think clearly. I think sometimes God uses these times to help us in the right direction and give us peace. I would have never imagined the person I have become, but I know it’s part of the journey He has for me. Sometimes all it takes is a little space and a good run to appreciate all that is wonderful in life.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song of the day is Good life by OneRepublic

Dream On

Many of us have heard that we can be anything we want, but do we actually believe it? When we are young we tend to think the sky is the limit. We dream of becoming ballerinas, football stars, writers, musicians; as we grow older we give up so easily on those dreams. We forget that we can be something more.

I had many dreams growing up. The one I held when I was close to starting college was to become a journalist for a fashion magazine. I didn’t believe enough in myself, so I picked a side route with nutrition. I had always had an interest in nutrition, and many popular magazines were starting to have nutrition segments. From there I realized I didn’t need a journalism degree to write as a nutrition expert and stopped my writing path. I never felt like I was a writer. My brother has amazing talent in creative writing and even had a play performed at the Kentucky Center in high school. He was the writer; I just enjoyed magazines.

It wasn’t until I was joining a blogging group on Facebook not terribly long ago and had to actually have the title “writer” on my Facebook page that I allowed myself to even think about being considered a writer.

When I was young I would have proudly said I would be a writer when I grew up, but at the age of 27 with only high school journalism under my belt it felt intimidating. Who would enjoy reading my thoughts?

Running posed the same threat. Announcing that I would be running a half marathon to close friends and family felt like I was playing pretend. I’m not a runner. I have rarely enjoyed running and the idea of running more than a mile or two sounded quite difficult. It wasn’t until the middle of the race that I realized my own strength and felt like a true runner.

Why do we give ourselves so little credit? We are capable of anything we put our minds to, but instead many times we take the safe route. We stress over what we would lose rather than think of what we could gain.

What could you gain?

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Brave by Sara Bareilles

Saving for I Do

While flipping through the new Athleta catalog I stare at beautiful new workout capris, matching sports bras, and casual summer dresses that I can’t wait to put in my closet! I stop myself and debate on what buying these items will actually mean. Now when contemplating purchases I not only think of mai tais, but also wedding guests. I have no idea where our wedding will be located, but I do know each guest will be expensive. Jimmy and I both have sizable families and lots of friends that we want to include in our wedding. Although mai tais and peace are great motivators to save, not being able to have my friends at my wedding is a great extra push to watch my spending.

I don’t want a lavish wedding, but even the simple beach weddings can cost a great deal if you want a fun party for a lot of people to go with it. I am reading books like Budget Weddings for Dummies and blog posts that discuss where to save and where to splurge. The problem is how do I know who is right? I read mixed messages about wedding coordinators, cost of all inclusive venues, and caterers. There are millions of opinions and billions of dollars spent on having the “perfect day.” I am not a wedding expert and I feel like I’m swimming in information. Although I have been in a lot of weddings and a part of planning many of those weddings, I still find myself quite unprepared. Pinterest is helpful and dangerous all at the same time. Within thirty minutes you can blow your budget by $50,000 taking in all the beautiful ideas.

I thought I would be better prepared, financially stable, and wiser when I got engaged, at least this is what I assumed at the age of nine about my late twenties. I don’t feel any of those things most days.

This is what I do know. I want a great wedding and a great honeymoon, but at a price I’m not nauseated at years down the line. I eventually want a beach home that includes a room for Jimmy’s surf stuff. Spending extra money on a single day will not help me get that or the extra mai tais in my future. I’m excited about my wedding, but also about my life to come, and I want to be financially prepared for fun after I say I do.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song of the day is I Do by Colbie Caillat

13.1 Disney Run

I took my computer to Disney with full intention of blogging while I was there, but instead I enjoyed my friends, family, and vacation. Now that I am back to reality there is so much to tell! The half marathon was amazing!! I ran at an easy pace and loved every minute of it! What was crazy though was registration and the rest of the weekend. When I signed up for the half marathon I knew it would be an accomplishment for me to do it. I am not a natural runner and have never run a race before. During the expo I “checked in” the same day as the runners of the Dopey Challenge. For those that are not familiar with Run Disney races, this is completing a 5K, 10K, half marathon, and a full marathon. If you want to feel inadequate mention that you are only running the half marathon to loads of people running four races in four days and finishing with a full marathon. Although everyone was super supportive, being around that many runners accomplishing much bigger feats, makes you feel like 13.1 miles is nothing.

Hilary, my running buddy for the race, arrived the next day. When you are going to run through Cinderella’s castle you are going to want one of your close friends by your side, and Hilary and I had been envisioning our trip to Disney together since we were ten years old. Neither of us could have guessed that it would be seventeen years later and that we would be running, but it was more amazing than we could have imagined! We nearly froze waiting for our corral’s start time, but enjoyed trying to make our hand warmers heat up and hiding behind other runners when the breezes hit.

We had no idea that we would have Mickey and the gang and fireworks with our start time! Every corral had fireworks with their start! Not just one or two, but a mini show for every start time! It was amazing to see that every group was made to feel like their start was just as special as the professional runners in the front. Only Disney can take something ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.

I didn’t feel like a runner through the entire process until the race. Not during training and certainly not at registration. It wasn’t until I felt comfortable running even once I hit mile nine and still passing other runners that I realized in the last six months I’ve become something I never thought I would be, a true runner. I still have a love/hate relationship with it, but the feeling was something I will never forget.

I knew only Disney could make me run, but I never thought it would make me want to run more than one race. I felt amazing when I finished, like I could have kept going for miles. As they say on the jungle cruise I was inspired to go deeper. Knowing I could accomplish more I texted my brother to see if he was interested in doing the full marathon in 2016. Running two parks was cool, but four parks and the ESPN Sports Complex sounded amazing! And who better to run with than the one person who grew up with me vacationing in the happiest place on earth?

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Do Life Big by Jamie Grace, such a great message!