Many of us have heard that we can be anything we want, but do we actually believe it?
When we are young we tend to think the sky is the limit. We dream of becoming ballerinas, football stars, writers, musicians; as we grow older we give up so easily on those dreams. We forget that we can be something more.
I had many dreams growing up. The one I held when I was close to starting college was to become a journalist for a fashion magazine. I didn’t believe enough in myself, so I picked a side route with nutrition. I had always had an interest in nutrition, and many popular magazines were starting to have nutrition segments. From there I realized I didn’t need a journalism degree to write as a nutrition expert and stopped my writing path. I never felt like I was a writer. My brother has amazing talent in creative writing and even had a play performed at the Kentucky Center in high school. He was the writer; I just enjoyed magazines.
It wasn’t until I was joining a blogging group on Facebook not terribly long ago and had to actually have the title “writer” on my Facebook page that I allowed myself to even think about being considered a writer.
When I was young I would have proudly said I would be a writer when I grew up, but at the age of 27 with only high school journalism under my belt it felt intimidating. Who would enjoy reading my thoughts?
Running posed the same threat. Announcing that I would be running a half marathon to close friends and family felt like I was playing pretend. I’m not a runner. I have rarely enjoyed running and the idea of running more than a mile or two sounded quite difficult. It wasn’t until the middle of the race that I realized my own strength and felt like a true runner.
Why do we give ourselves so little credit? We are capable of anything we put our minds to, but instead many times we take the safe route. We stress over what we would lose rather than think of what we could gain.
What could you gain?
Until next time,
P.S. My favorite song today is Brave by Sara Bareilles