When I was trying out new running shoes last night the salesman said, “Take this the right way. You are a fast runner. There is no way it should have taken you five hours to run a marathon.”
I was looking for a sign to no longer hold myself back, and I don’t think it could have come any clearer. I felt every ounce of pain during the last seven miles of that marathon, but deep down I knew he was right. I just didn’t see it until he said it.
I, like many other women, tend to hold myself back. No matter how confident I want to feel in my decision or my ability, there’s always a piece of me that wants to put myself down.
When I heard his comment about my running I thought about the fears I had while training for that race. I had never run a marathon before, and was certain it would take me hours on end to finish it. I would brag about my brother who is capable of doing the same distance in three and a half hours and then say how amazing he was in wanting to run my pace with me. I never once acknowledged that what I was doing was a big deal and that I was more than capable of it.
Every time I finished a long training run I was amazed at what I had accomplished. I didn’t expect to enjoy a long run or to finish so capably. It was like I surprised myself every time. Not once did I really work to be faster during my long runs. I just wanted to finish, but finishing isn’t what races are for. Challenging yourself and testing your limits are why most people run.
Today I made a decision to stop holding myself back in running and in life. I am going to recognize my strength and truly “run with it.”
How are you going to test your limits today?
Until next time,
P.S. My favorite song today is Hello, My Name Is by Matthew West