What I’ve learned during the Living Well Spending Zero Challenge is I don’t need near as much as I think I do. I don’t need as many conveniences, meals out, and I certainly don’t need more clothes.  I realized my previous “cutting back” wasn’t cutting it enough. Although I missed the dinners and the drinks, I felt better about my spending than I had in a long time.What I’ve learned during the Living Well Spending Zero Challenge is I don’t need near as much as I think I do. I don’t need as many conveniences, meals out, and I certainly don’t need more clothes. I realized my previous “cutting back” wasn’t cutting it enough. Although I missed the dinners and the drinks, I felt better about my spending than I had in a long time.

This month I was more aware of every item that went into my cart. I realized I was buying extra tea, when I have a mound of it in my cabinet. I realized how many times I pick up a random DVD from Target. I realized how many dinners a month I actually schedule with friends. Although none of these things are bad, I just don’t need as much of them. I want a simpler life and these purchases don’t always contribute.

This is what I do “need,” a healthy life, a healthy mind, and a healthy pet. The rest are just details.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Little Bit of Everything by Keith Urban