Today I am blown away by life. I am sitting in a coffee shop I love, walking distance from my house, at the beach. It's definitely one of those moments where you ask "Does life get better than this?" But here's the catch it does. 

We treat these moments as rare - little gems that we're afraid we won't get again - but why can't we have it again?

I've experienced this feeling more times than I can count, so why not rely on the joy in my day and embrace it? Why not say this is amazing and I am so happy I get to experience this again. True joy may seem fleeting, but it doesn't have to be. I feel this joy every day, and not just because I live at the beach. I feel this joy because I take time to live every day. I embrace the love and joy in the world around me and bask in its glow. 

There's joy all around us. It's our job to open up our eyes and see it. 

Have a beautiful day - today. 

Until next time, 


P.S. My favorite thing today is the book The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein - pick it up or get the recording of you haven't all ready, it's amazing!