October 19th has been a day of reflection for me since 2013.

That year I went to Darren Hardy’s High Performance Summit and I knew my life would be completely different the following year.

And it was, but not in the way I expected. (Read more from my blog post in 2014 here)

I assumed the business I’d had in 2013 was going to take off and my income was going to be vastly different by October 19, 2014.  

And although there were some changes, the difference was much more significant than that.

The difference was in my faith.

I’ve had a good relationship with God for as long as I can remember.

Around the age of four I was involving him in my play with my Barbies when I had my first clear message from him, “You are going to do something Big.”

At the age of 13 He helped me through my first major depression.

At 24 He reminded me of who I am and what I am capable of.

And then over the last 4 years He has helped me grow in my faith exponentially through several churches, retreats, meditation, life experiences, more than several new age spiritual leaders, and even some coaching to help me better speak to my own angels and guides.

As I am writing this email the books on my bookshelf are a physical proof of all that growth.

Everything from God’s Psychiatry, to A New Earth by Eckhart  Tolle, to Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein, to Rediscovering Catholicism, to Meditation and Mindfulness by Andy Puddicombe, to White Hot Truth by Danielle Laporte, to The  Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, to Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue, to The Secret Language of Astrology … this list could go on for days ...

To say my spiritual background is nontraditional is a bit of an understatement.

I have always believed there wasn’t “one right way” to God (and I am completely open to less charged names for God such as Source Energy and of course The Universe) and that there wasn’t one right way to express your faith.

After all your faith and your spiritual practice are what should fill you daily, not be another chore that has to fit in with other people’s guidelines.

And what started for me in 2013 was my unique path to my spiritual practice - the one that fills me and guides me daily.

Looking back it’s bizarre to think it all started with a list of my values on a trip to South Beach, but I am happy with where it’s led me. And I know my Faith will continue to lead me on.

Sending so much love and inspiration your way! 

Until next time, 

xoxo Kaycee