Wedding magazines stress me out. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love getting the shinny new magazine and get so excited to see what is inside, but while flipping through them I start to panic, what do I actually want? Do I want a long dress or a short dress or two dresses? Do I want flowers? Brooch Bouquet or real? Bigger venue or smaller wedding?
While reading these magazines I stress about making the "right" decisions. Am I going to be happy with a more laid back affair or am I going to wish I had done something different? There is no “do over” for your wedding. For the lucky ones it’s a once in a lifetime affair, and the giant wedding industry knows how to help make thousands of versions of a wonderful day you don’t want to forget. So how do you choose the right version for you?
When wedding panic sets in I stop what I’m doing and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and think about what makes me happy. There are only a few important things that make me truly relax and have fun, the beach, good times with family and friends, and good music.
With this in mind I think of the experiences I have loved. Playing cards with my dad, the cruise with Jimmy’s family, Disney with my mom, having drinks near the beach with friends … when I see all of this in my mind I am able to remind myself I want my wedding to be like that. I want my wedding to be a fun, relaxed day that spills over into a good weekend with family and friends. I don’t need to worry about having the “perfect day,” because I have experienced so many wonderful days. I just want to celebrate another day with the people that have made my life worth living. To me that means a relaxed beach affair, with good music and a laid back good time. When I see what I want all of the other ideas don’t matter, all that matters is that I marry the love of my life and have a good time doing it.
Until next time,