A few days ago I made a decision. I was tired of letting other people’s actions and reactions control my emotions, so I decided to be in charge of them instead.A few days ago I made a decision. I was tired of letting other people’s actions and reactions control my emotions, so I decided to be in charge of them instead. I knew this would be a difficult process, but I was tired of other people making or breaking my day. I knew this was something only I could change. I can’t control how other people may react to me only how I think and react to them.

One of the things that surprises me the most is how much better I feel even only after a few days. I’m not anywhere near bulletproof, but for the first time ever I am able to take a hurtful situation and separate it from myself. Rather than dwelling on the pain and what I could have done differently, I am seeing it for what it is. I am able to be happy even though I don’t like what is happening around me.

I plan to continue choosing to be happy. I’m sure there will be times when I will fail, but I think overall this will lead to a great life.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite song today is Save It for a Rainy Day by Kenny Chesney