Last night in my Full Psycle class the instructor started beautifully speaking about setting an intention for the rest of the year and everything within me revolted.
If you're familiar with me at all, you know that I love setting intentions, creating goals and pushing myself that extra mile, but last night I'd had enough.
This has been an emotionally challenging year for me. Most of my spring, summer, and early fall felt like one crazy emotional beating after another, and when those stopped I accidentally crammed my schedule so full that I kept going and going and going to the point of barely recognizing myself.
Last week I finally admitted that I was burnt out and just need a break, so the last thing I wanted was a new goal to push towards.
So instead, while my instructor was finishing her beautiful speech, I decided to look at her question differently. I asked myself what I really wanted out of life over the the next 30ish days, and who did I want to be on January 1st?
My answer was I wanted to end the month feeling peaceful, relaxed and free. I wanted to do less and take care of myself more. I wanted to get back to the easy going, joyful me that's gotten a little buried over the past few months.
How do you want to feel when you're ringing in 2020? Do you want to feel burnt out, exhausted, and thanking God the month is over or do you want to feel relaxed, happy and free?
This month my teachings will be focused on rejuvenation (even during times of craziness), self love, and relaxed growth.
To participate, you can join me live on Wednesday December 11th at 8pm EDT and Monday December 30th at 8pm EDT in my free Facebook group Your Limitless Life for Cocktails With Kaycee.
To dig in even deeper and get take aways specifically for you, the Your Limitless Life Membership live will be on Monday December 9th at 8pm EDT and our call will be Wednesday December 18th at 8:30pm EDT - they are always amazing and totally worth showing up for! If you're not a member, sign up at with the code "FIRSTMONTH" to receive your first month for $9 - I'd love to see you there ❤️
Give yourself plenty of fun and love this holiday season, and I can't wait to chat more soon ❤️
Sending you so much love,
xoxo Kaycee