Last night I was angry - justifiably hurt and angry.

I felt the anger and wallowed in it for a bit, and I may have continued doing so if it hadn’t been for you.

I needed to write you an email and I like to write them from a place of love.

So I had a decision to make and I decided to remove the anger from my heart and write you.

Removing the anger didn’t remove the lesson from it, or even the conversation I was going to have to have over what made me angry, but it did allow me to write from a place of love to you.

This wasn’t always an easy practice - it still isn’t always easy - but every day you have a choice of what you are going to let rule your emotions.

This doesn’t mean block your emotions, or don’t feel your emotions, but decide what will stop you from living your day and what will allow you to thrive in it.

My anger wasn’t helping me thrive. In fact it really wasn’t serving me at all. It was only keeping me from the joyful things I wanted to do.

How will you choose to feel today?

Sending so much love and inspiration your way! 

Until next time, 

xoxo Kaycee