I had no idea I had hoarding tendencies.

Our home didn’t resemble one of those TLC shows and I seemed to have healthy boundaries with food, stuff, people ...

But this revelation started with not wanting to cancel something I wasn’t using until I downloaded my favorite resources from it. Mind you these were resources I hadn’t touched in almost a year.

When I realized I was trying to hold onto something I wasn’t using I decided to look at why. What I uncovered shocked me!

It didn’t feel safe to just let things go - I needed to hold onto them “just in case.”

Just in case what? Just in case I needed something I hadn’t been using at some random time???

As I dig deeper I found that this tendency wasn’t just affecting one area of my life, but almost all of it. It played into everything from how I ate, the things in our home, even to how I organized my time!

This is when I decided something needed to change. I needed to show love to myself, forgive a few things, and let go.

Let go of the stuff I no longer needed. Let go of the food I didn’t need. Let go of the people who were no longer a positive influence. And be open to the amazing things to come.

If you’re struggling to let go of something in your life - whether that be weight, people, or stuff - I would love to help 💗 this is the last week that my Your Limitless Life Membership will be priced at $11 and it’s the last week to sign up and receive a free one on one call with me! If you are ready to move forward with your life sign up here or at kayceemullaney.com.

Sending you so much love! 

xoxo Kaycee