Here are some of my favorite workouts and some amazing at home workouts created by my awesome personal trainer husband Jimmy Mullaney!
In case you don’t know this already, I’m a huge fan of fast workouts or ones that can be broken up and done in 10-15 minutes increments throughout the day. I try to start my day with at least a 10 minute segment because worst case scenario at least I got that in.
This is my “I only have 10 minutes” workout:
Start with a forearm plank hold - I aim for 2 minutes and 30 seconds but start with where you are at. Set a timer and see how long you can hold then push yourself to go 10 seconds longer the next day. Make sure your back is flat, your butt is down low and that your abs are supporting your lower back. A good way to keep your abs where you want them is to think about pushing your belly button back into your spine.
Then 25 pushups. These can be full pushups or on your knees. If you’re on your knees make sure your abs are still pushing back towards your spine and your toes are pointed up - this helps to continue to engage your abs.
25 jumping jacks or you can jump rope 25 times.
Then back into the forearm plank for hip swivels. Rather than holding the plank like you did the first time, you stabilize yourself in the plank and then dip your hip towards the ground to the left and then to the right. Aim for 25 on each side.
Finally push your body back into child’s pose (rest your butt on your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you) for a nice stretch
Workouts by Jimmy Mullaney:
Ideally we want you doing all the rounds, but if it’s between you doing one round in the morning and one round in the evening or no workout that day, we’ll take what you can give us! Let me know if you have any questions and we can always do videos on form if needed.
Workout One:
Complete 4 rounds of:
50 Mountain climbers (you start in a high plank position and bring one knee at a time into your chest then back. The goal is to quickly run each leg against the floor. Let us know if you have any questions)
30 Squats (make sure you’re moving your butt back, keep your knees behind your toes, you should almost be able to lift your toes when you go back if you’re doing this properly.)
15 Push-ups (can be on your knees or full pushups - remember if you’re on your knees make sure your abs are still pushing back towards your spine and your toes are pointed up - this helps to continue to engage your abs.)
20 Star Jumps (jump up with arms and legs extended out 20 times each round)
20 Sit-ups (don’t forget to use your abs to move your body up
30 Plank Jaxs (remember the instructions for a plank - make sure your back is flat, your butt is down low and that your abs are supporting your lower back. A good way to keep your abs where you want them is to think about pushing your belly button back into your spine. Then jump your back legs in and out 30 times each round)
Finally push your body back into child’s pose (rest your butt on your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you) for a nice stretch Make sure to stretch your arms, legs, and abs after
Workout Two:
Complete 4 rounds of:
10 push-ups. These can be full pushups or on your knees. Don’t forget the push-up tips we’ve chatted about
20 squat jumps. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, squat down to full depth before jumping up with feet coming off the ground. Land softly and repeat.
30 crunches. Make sure you’re crunching up from your abs here
40 jumping jacks. I know you got this one!
50 high knee sprinters. Bring one knee up at a time to waist level in a sprinting motion. Go as fast as you can.
Workout Three:
Complete 4 rounds of:
20 mountain climbers. Start in a high plank position and bring one knee at a time into your chest then back. The goal is to quickly run each leg against the floor. Let us know if you have any questions!
20 burpees. You can do half burpees or full burpees for this based on your level. A full burpee starts in a squat, then put your hands on the ground on either side of your feet, jump back into a plank, do a push-up, jump your legs back into the squat position, then jump upwards. Repeat this 20 times. Half burpees don’t include the push-up.
20 jumping jacks. I know you got this!
10 jump squats. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, squat down to full depth before jumping up with feet coming off the ground. Land softly and repeat.
Don’t forget to have a nice stretch when you’re done!
Workout Four:
Complete 4 rounds of:
10 sit-ups. Start laying back on the floor, knees bent. Engage your core to bring your entire back off the floor and towards your knees.
30 second side plank (30 seconds each side). Lay on your side with your forearm and elbow on the floor. Press your body up with your hips stacked and off the ground.
10 pushups. Description above :)
10 supermans. Lay on your stomach. Bring your hands and feet off the ground as if you’re flying by squeezing shoulder blades, glutes, and hamstrings together.
10 bicep curls (use an object like canned goods if no weights are available). Start with weighted objects in hands with palms facing out, arms parallel to body, and bend at elbow bringing object to shoulder making sure to engage the bicep.
Workout Five:
30 seconds of as many you can do then 10 second break for 4 rounds of:
Narrow pushups. Same pushup rules just with hands in a diamond shape.
Bicycle crunch. Lay on the floor and crunch core muscles while bringing left elbow to right knee. Keep core engaged and shoulders lifted while switching right elbow to left knee then back again.
Tricep dip. Use a chair or a couch to complete exercise. With your back to the chair, lift your butt off the floor by pressing hands into the seat. Keep your arms parallel while bending elbows. Keep your back straight.
Leg Lifts. Start laying on your back on the floor. Lift both legs off the floor with feet together and raise them to 90 degrees and then slowly lower back down. Keep your butt on the ground, and for an extra challenge, hover your legs then bring them back to 90 degrees rather than touching the ground.
Reverse fly. Use water bottles or canned goods if you don’t have weights. Hold one weight in each hand. Tilt your upper body forward at your pelvis, and face your shoulders towards the ground. Lift weighted objects up with arms out by squeezing your shoulder blades together and then lower them back down.
Workout Videos I love:
I am not an affiliate for any of these programs, I just love them and love to pass them along :)
I LOVE Tracy Anderson workouts and I love the online videos I’ve listed below. Both the method express and the cardio dance express are broken up into 10 minute increments.
****Make sure you have clearance from your doctor before starting any new exercise program.****