Hi Beautiful! I’m so excited you are here!!

Money work has changed my life. I grew up learning about lack, but I always knew I was meant for wealth. What I didn’t realize was there was so much more to wealth than what I was being taught - wealth doesn’t start with saving and investing. It starts in your heart and in your mind.

I want you to have access to limitless wealth, because good hearted people do amazing things for themselves, for the ones they love, and for the world when they have more than enough in their bank account.

So let’s dive in! The videos below are organized purposefully. Most are 10 minutes or less so they are easily digestible and allow you to focus on the fun work of the day. Feel free to break them up daily or weekly, and to rewatch as often as needed!

Can’t wait to see your money transformations!

Sending you so so much love!

xoxo Kaycee

P.S. Bring any questions you have or anything you want to dive into deeper to our membership calls! Chat soon! xoxo  

Video One:

Video Two:

Video Three:

Video Four:

Video Five:

Video Six:

Video Seven:

Video Eight:

Video Nine:

Video Ten: