Welcome to The Beginner’s Guide To Manifesting Wealth! Start with your first audio here 💖💖
Fun Work: Have fun & journal out what you want - now, a few weeks from now, a year from now … play in your imagination & have fun 💖💖👑🥂
Feeling it as real - one of the biggest keys to manifestation 💖💖🥂
Fun Work: Play in your imagination & feel what you want as real - be in happy, child like energy 💖💖👑🥂
What to do when you start feeling resistance to your money manifestation (i.e. when your brain starts telling you can’t have, don’t deserve it, or won’t let you feel what you want as real 💖)
Fun Work: If you start feeling resistance - question it but also do something to move out of it & then come back to why the resistance is coming up later. If you need help seeing a lie your brain is telling you is truth let me know 💖💖😘
Getting more clarity about what you want & why you want it so you can receive your manifestation faster 💖💖💖
Fun Work: Look at what you want again - why do you want it? Is it still what you want to manifest or is there something else you’re actually wanting. Feel into that. How does that feel? Does it feel exciting? Possible? What’s coming up? Feel free to share in the main chat or ask any questions in the Q&A 💖💖👑🥂
What are your thoughts around money? What do you say about money? This audio is helping you bring awareness to your current relationship with money 💖
Fun Work: Track what you think & say about money over the next few days. Use your notes app or a tiny notebook & document so you can see trends 💖💖🥂
Creating more abundant thoughts 💖🥂
Fun Work: Take the list you made with your current thoughts & words around money and play with creating better options that open you up to receiving - bonus points if you share your new upgraded words & phrases in the main chat 💖💖🥂💵
Your Money History 💖
Fun Work: Look at your history with money - from your childhood to getting your first job to your more current money experiences. What does this show you about how you view money now? Where has money been stressful and maybe painful and where has money supported you? Make 2 lists and be very kind to yourself doing this. This is about awareness of your relationship to money up until now. This isn’t about beating yourself up. Take care of yourself during this assignment as it may be emotional. Plan something loving and comforting for yourself once you’ve completed it 💖💖 Also if your history is more painful set a timeframe to look at it. It doesn’t all have to be observed at once 💖💖💖