In our world money matters.
It matters to your stress level. To where we you get to live or don’t. To the schools your children get to go to. To the experiences you get to have or not. To the good you get to do, the donations you get to provide, and the impact you really get to make. In all of that money absolutely matters.
And I want you to have so much more.
So I have one question for you -
Are you living your richest life?
I have a mission - I want to help as many women as possible become as wealthy as possible.
I want more wealth in the hands of human beings who give a shit about our world, who care about people, and who are ready to live the most incredible life possible.
I want to help you have so much overflow that you have that beautiful home with the perfect closet you’ve always dreamed of, that you travel to the most beautiful destinations with people you love in the highest of style, and that you can give effortlessly to all the causes you care about.
True wealth to me is giving yourself - and all the ones you love - the life of your dreams and having so much left over that our entire world gets to feel the impact. That you can easily write those checks, support businesses, and help create a sustainable world for us all.
And all of that starts here.
Welcome to The Fit, Rich, & Beautiful Community!
This is my story …
I come from a family of really hard workers, who came from a family of hard workers, who came from a family of hard workers. When I was really young I understood that ease was possible. That if something was available to someone else then it was available to me. But then stories of hard work and not enough and can’t afford it took over.
I saw money as limited and that I needed to hold onto all that I had so that I would have enough of it.
In college I started slowly seeing that there was another way, that money was showing up for me when I asked or needed it and I let myself spend and receive a little more freely.
But then I started my first career and I was miserable. The only thing I could think to do was hoard the money I was making so hopefully it would take me somewhere better. It didn’t work. So then I invested everything I had plus a lot into learning, growing, and building businesses that ended up creating a cycle of punishing myself and really not having more than enough. And then I finally figured money out.
Money is not what we think. Yes it’s a resource to buy things, but it’s actually so much more than that. It’s a reflection of our beliefs, our energy, and what we’ll allow ourselves to receive in life.
So to change the money you’re keeping and receiving you have to change what is going on inside of you first.
And if you’re ready to do that then I’m ready to help.
In The Fit, Rich, & Beautiful Community you receive:
A private members only website with access to some of my best money trainings including The Beginner’s Guide To Attracting Limitless Wealth, Paying Off Debt Training, & all past and early access Champagne Pops!
Two monthly group calls with me to dig into any questions, topics or struggles you have at that moment
At least one live money training a month
Access to call and video recordings if you can’t make it live
An awesome supportive Facebook community of amazing women increasing their wealth too
A bonus 35 minute one on one call to use within your first 30 days!
All for only $55 a month
What do you get?
A bonus 35 minute one on one call to use within your first 30 days!
Bi-monthly group calls
Access to call recordings if you can’t make it live
A private members only website with access to my best nutrition & wealth mindset tips
Jump Start Weight Loss Guide & The Beginner’s Guide To Attracting Limitless Wealth
(email for a coupon code if you’ve already purchased)
Workouts by my amazing personal trainer husband
A monthly Facebook live with me
An awesome supportive Facebook community
Every call will have time for Q&A to answer any questions you have or go over anything you rubbed up against since our last call. These calls are to dig in and get to what you need to succeed and be your most fabulous you! And the community will be here for you for as long as you need it!
Ready to get started?
If you’re tired of making the same goals over and over again and never seeing a difference, then it’s time to consider a serious change and some help.
For around $1.80 a day, you can receive the knowledge, inspiration, and coaching to completely change your life.
And if you find the community isn’t the right fit for you, no worries - your membership can be canceled at any time!
Don’t wait for another year to go by, or five years, or ten.
You can do this.
Click the "create account" button below!
I’m so excited to see you on the inside!
Sending you so much love! xoxo
Sign Up Instructions:
Click "Sign Up Here" to create your account.
The first page will open and you will create your login with your name, email address, and password. On the second page you will select "The Fit, Rich, & Beautiful Community" under the plan tab. Once the membership is selected you will be taken to a payment page to finish creating your account. If you have a coupon code don't forget to click on the question "Have a Coupon Code?" to enter it.
Once the steps are completed and you click "Subscribe Now" you have immediate access to The Fit, Rich, & Beautiful Community!
A Little About Kaycee …
Kaycee Mullaney is a registered dietitian, spiritual life coach, and certified personal stylist who’s helped women all over the world create lives they love. Her clients have seen amazing results from increased confidence, to weight loss they’ve never been able to achieve on their own, to increased income, to feeling beautiful in their own skin. If you’re ready for amazing results, it’s time to become part of her world. Click the boxes above to get started. xoxo