I love Walt Disney World, but not for the same reason most people do.

I love it not because of the cute mouse in red shorts, but because Disney showed me what is possible for my life.

I knew Walt's story. I knew where he came from and the magic his life had created.

And one night 21 years ago while watching beautiful fireworks in Magic Kingdom, I realized if one man was capable of creating something so amazing, I could only imagine what was truly capable for my life.

In that moment a world of possibilities became completely possible.

That world of possibilities isn't just available to me, it's available to you too.

I am now living the life that young version of me imagined - I even picked out the place I now live during that trip! And I am no different than you.

I grew up on 22 acres outside of Louisville, Kentucky. I've far exceeded the plans my family had for me and I did it only because I believed I could.

I believed in something bigger than myself.

What are you wishing for this holiday season?

Are you happy with the life you live now, or are you ready for something extraordinary?

If you are like me and know in your heart something more is possible, I want to help you get there.

Click here and we will set up a time to chat!

Sending so much love and inspiration your way!

Until next time,

xoxo Kaycee