I don’t normally share this, but one of my greatest fears is that my husband will one day decide that he doesn’t love me and that he wants someone else.
This is not a rational fear, and it isn’t based on anything he has done. It is simply a lie my brain likes to tell me to keep me in fear.
This thought came up again today because of a dream I had.
So how did I stop this crazy irrational thought?
I pulled out my journal and asked myself, “Is is true?”
And I wrote my honest answer. I reflected on all our amazing happy times together over the last nine and a half years, the smile he only gives me, and even him running down the stairs to help me with our puppy last night even though he was in the middle of shaving his face.
His love for me runs so deep. That is the truth. The rest is just made up in my head.
Our brains tend to do this - present lies as truth.
Are there some lies you are struggling with right now?
Do you struggle with your worth? What you’re capable of? What you are allowed to have? That your gifts are actually meant to be shared with the world?
Whatever the struggle is in your head, take out a piece of paper and start with the question, “Is that true?” Then write out the evidence.
Is it true that you can’t accomplish that goal? What have you accomplished in the past? Where else have you shown yourself that you are capable?
Will you really never find love? When have you felt love in the past? If you felt it then, doesn’t that mean it’s completely possible that love will come again?
Our brain’s main job is to protect us, but many times it takes that protection a little too far.
You are not your thoughts. You are capable of a limitless life. Take some time today to remind yourself that this is true, no matter what your brain wants you to believe.
Sending so much love and inspiration your way!
Until next time,
xoxo Kaycee