If you can accept and love yourself where you are, you can grow into the person you want to be.
Becoming the woman you want to become starts with a love an acceptance of where you are and who you are now.
We tend to fool ourselves into thinking once I get or accomplish A, B, C, I will be happy and I’ll see myself as successful, or worthy.
But it actually doesn’t work that way.
We get those things or reach those accomplishments and we still don’t feel “enough.”
We have to feel enough now. Enough as the woman you are in this moment, flaws and all.
When you can show love to that woman, real miracles start happening.
You feel those accomplishments instead of constantly striving for the next.
You love more, play more, and spend more time in a state of joy.
This is how you truly live.
Sending so much love and inspiration your way!
Until next time,
xoxo Kaycee