In our world money matters.

It matters to your stress level. To where you get to live or don’t. To the schools your children get to go to. To the experiences you get to have or not. To the good you get to do, the donations you get to provide, and the impact you really get to make. In all of that money absolutely matters.

And I want you to have so much more.

So I have one question for you -

Are you living your richest life?

I have a mission - I want to help as many people as possible become as wealthy as possible.

I want more wealth in the hands of human beings who give a shit about our world, who care about people, and who are ready to live the most incredible life possible.

I want to help you have so much overflow that you have that beautiful home with the perfect closet you’ve always dreamed of, that you travel to the most beautiful destinations with people you love in the highest of style, and that you can give effortlessly to all the causes you care about.

True wealth is giving yourself - and all the ones you love - the life of your dreams and having so much left over that our entire world gets to feel the impact. That you can easily write those checks, support businesses, and help create a sustainable world for us all.

And all of that starts here.

This is my story …

I come from a family of really hard workers, who came from a family of hard workers, who came from a family of hard workers. When I was really young I understood that ease was possible. That if something was available to someone else then it was available to me. But then stories of hard work and not enough and can’t afford it took over.

I saw money as limited and that I needed to hold onto all that I had so that I would have enough of it.

In college I started slowly seeing that there was another way, that money was showing up for me when I asked or needed it and I let myself spend and receive a little more freely.

But then I started my first career and I was miserable. The only thing I could think to do was hoard the money I was making so hopefully it would take me somewhere better. It didn’t work. So then I invested everything I had plus a lot into learning, growing, and building businesses that ended up creating a cycle of punishing myself and really not having more than enough. And then I finally figured money out.

Money is not what we think. Yes it’s a resource to buy things, but it’s actually so much more than that. It’s a reflection of our beliefs, our energy, and what we’ll allow ourselves to receive in life.

So to change the money you’re keeping and receiving you have to change what is going on inside of you first.

And if you’re ready to do that then I’m ready to help.

Ways To Learn From Me:

What it’s like to work with me:

“We made $200K in 3 months! ”

“When I first met Kaycee, huge changes had happened and were happening in my life. It was an extremely tough time for me, but Kaycee's devotion to her work has given her an ability to help me tremendously! She has helped me stay sane and grounded while seeing and feeling what I need to, in order to be more understanding to things my world, all those around me, and to LOVE myself. This work is clearly her gift. It gives me hope to know that she is out there doing this work in the world. I Highly recommend Kaycee’s coaching to anyone!”


“We made 200K in 3 months! Finally Paid off all debt except my student loans, which we will pay off next month! [And] We just purchased a lot two blocks from the beach to build our dream home! Thank you!!! You got me here girl!”


“Since I have started money work with you Kaycee, I have manifested two unexpected checks in the mail and rewards money”

“Wanted to share—Tim and I have been buying plants, trees and shrubs galore this year for our yard. We had planned to spend a certain amount; and when we went to the nursery on Wednesday, we couldn’t resist and spent about $200 more than we originally planned in spending. My first thought was, $200 is no big deal...we both love what we picked out and we deserve it! Came home and started paying bills—we have a cash rewards credit card and generally receive between $50-$70 dollars back per month. This month our rewards balance was $304!!! Way more than ever! Since I have started money work with you Kaycee, I have manifested two unexpected checks in the mail and this rewards money. It’s only the beginning... Love you!”


“Have to share. This morning I received a call from the COO of the company that I work for and she said that she is issuing me a 5k bonus for all of the assistance that I provide to other buildings. I am so grateful to you as you opened my eyes to seeing what is possible!”

- Sarah Labonte

“I’ve been able to manifest an extra $1000 IN A DAY”

“I've been working with Kaycee for a good part of this year and I've been able to manifest free meals, an extra $1000 IN A DAY, and truly start to break down some of my own fears over just thinking about money let alone talking about it to you right now.”


“It works! Oh my gosh it works! ”

“It works! Oh my gosh it works! Today my to do list says breathe, relax, and let the money flow in - I have had not one, not two, but 3 phone calls about people wanting to contract me and use my services! I considered cutting them a deal, but instead decided to give them my regular rate. And each one said send me a contract. All I could think was am I going to have to turn work away because I don’t have time to do it all?! This is so incredibly awesome!”


“It just keeps happening. Each time I get over the shock of things flowing my way, something else happens and the process repeats! It’s only a matter of time before I’m flying on private, Sex in the City style to places like Bora Bora, Dubai, and Australia!”

- Hilary jaffe

“Therapist you’re on the bench, Kaycee suit up.”

“Within 15 minutes I was like … ‘therapist you’re on the bench, Kaycee suit up.’ Kaycee taught me more in this short time, and nailed my personality and thoughts, than several therapy sessions. I left with several personal takeaways and as a Kaycee subscriber.”


“Kaycee offers soo much information and helps me above and beyond what is anticipated! ”

“I feel soo connected with Kaycee! I love her energy and her passion to help others! She is down to earth and Real! Kaycee helps you relate by using some of her own life experiences to where you know you aren’t the only one who goes through these issues in life. She will help you understand why you may feel a certain way and give you tips to help work through the craziness. Kaycee offers soo much information and helps me above and beyond what is anticipated. I always come away with the feeling that I heard what I needed to hear at that moment in time! I love the topics of every day issues and how to deal better with each situation. I love her and know you will too!”


It’s your time. Start creating your wealthiest life now.

Need some help deciding? Click the button below to set up a quick chat!

I love you so much!!